e-Governance A dynamic system integrator in the field of information technology offering e-Governance solutions in various domains like
solution architecture, design & development, web based technologies and IT enabled services

M-Governance aims at delivering fast and easy access to public services to citizens through mobile devices. Mobile services have emerged as the new frontier in transforming governance and making it more accessible and meaningful to citizens. It has succeeded in extending the remote delivery of government services and information. Delivering timely and precise information to citizens with a robust two-way communication between the government and people has strengthened the ethos of democracy in its true spirits. M-Governance facilitates enhanced utilization of public services with larger participation from citizens.

Today, the ‘Mobile Phone’ is not just used as merely a communication tool to instantly communicate or send and get text and voice messages. It has emerged as very strong technology to bridge the digital divide between haves and have-nots. Within the last two decades of its launch in India,the mobile phone has scaled the remote rural areas despite hurdles like lack of connectivity and basic amenities like electricity.

In this new age, Mobile Technology has become critical for delivery of services and higher penetration in a very short time, as it helps in reduction of transaction costs, effective monitoring of services, and faster introduction of customer-centric products at competitive pricing. It enables departments/customers to efficiently respond to external and internal business changes. Our solutions support Android, IOS and Windows platforms that are easily customizable per client requirements. Based on open standards, integration with other components/solutions is seamless.

Our portfolio includes:
Traffic e-Challan Solution
Spot Billing & Payment Solution
e-Ticketing Solution
Smart Clients
SMS Services
IVRS Services
USSD Services
Citizen Centric solutions

We were a family of 132.42 crore people. This huge number signifies the importance of a smart PDS system which is efficient and can eliminate leakages in the distribution. Netxcell’s foray in e-governance and its expertise has delivered exemplary results in making the PDS smart. Linking the ration cards to Aadhaar numbers have helped the government to clean up the system, as per one estimate three crore fake and duplicate ration cards have been cancelled by May 2017. It had also saved the country Rs 17,000 crore every year from the period 2014 to 2017.

Honourable Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution CR Chaudhary, “Out of 23 crore ration cards in the country, 82 per cent (19 crores) are linked with Aadhaar. We have removed 2.95 crore fake or duplicate ration cards in the country in the past three years which has resulted in a saving of Rs 17,000 crore annually. It has ensured that food grains are being delivered to the rightful person.”

Aadhaar Services
The objective of Aadhaar card is to provide a portable identity proof to citizens. Aadhaar card serves to authenticate the identity of a person anytime and anywhere.
Netxcell’s Aadhaar Services NREGA Services

The government of India enacted the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in 2005 to improve the income of rural India. The NREGA 2005 aims to stop mass scale rural migration to cities & provide livelihood security of the households in rural areas of the country. It provides at least one hundred days of guaranteed employment with wages in every financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

Netxcell can deliver How Netxcell acts as a catalyst Automation of Logistics & Transport Services
“In the simplest form, transportation is to move humans or commodities from one place to another, efficiently, safely & reliably.”
“You can be airline, railroad or a trucking industry”
“Netxcell makes efficient use of transportation management system (TMS)".
  • Plan freight movements.
  • Select the right route & carrier.
  • Manage freight bills and payments.
  • " The following are the modules in Netxcell’s TMS.”
  • Warehouse Management System (WMS).
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP).
  • Enterprise Asset Management System (EAM).
  • Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
  • Supply Chain Management System (SCM).
  • How Netxcell’s Logistics & Transport Services Help
  • Integration of commodities with ERP system & thus removing errors in bookkeeping.
  • Real-Time freight rates and information about the modes of transport.
  • Real-Time freight tracking & auto-pickup .
  • On the spot freight data and analytics.
  • Reduce cost to manage freight & transportation departments.
  • mee seva

    Government’s vision of delivering ‘public services’ by using 21st-century digital platforms are the inceptive thoughts for creating mee seva centers. Netxcell realizes the role of mee seva as an integrated service delivery gateway for non-discriminatory delivery of government schemes and services. Hence, Netxcell integrates information about mee seva centres with its e-Government products.

    Identity Solutions
    Netxcell empowers a government organization to deliver different types of identity cards in the form of smart cards (Contact & Contactless) with customizable offerings.
    Smart Ration Card, DL & RC’s

    A smart ration card/DL & RC is a modern version of traditional identity cards. All of the information of an individual is stored electronically. The biometric data of an individual is computerized and can be accessed by PDS/RTOs / ARTOs via their office servers. The biometric data provided by the applicant will include details such as their blood group, a scan on their retina, fingerprints and body marks, etc. This information will be stored in the PDS/RTO / ARTO office server and will also be sent to the head office of the respective departments.

    Storing the information of an individual electronically ensures the safety of the information provided by the identity card holders. It also comes in handy for the government authorities as it makes tracking any individual in the state using their biometrics information easy and efficient. The smart card can be carried out easily as it is more durable.

    PVC EPIC & Aadhaar Cards
    Netxcell can provide plastic (Poly Vinyl Chloride) Electoral Photo Identity Cards and Aadhaar cards. Netxcell strictly adheres to the guidelines issued by Election Commission of India & Uidai.
    RFID based Solutions
    At Netxcell, we consider RFID as the next-gen Barcode technology. “Radio-frequency identification” is a technology where RFID tags are read using the radio waves. RFID simply eliminates the need of keeping RFID tags in alignment with the scanner.The RFID technology is being implemented in Toll plaza with enormous success.
    RFID in real world
    Materials Management
    Access Control
    IT Asset Tracking
    Library Systems
    Real Time Location System
    Solid Waste Management System
    India is going to overtake China’s population within seven years. Netxcell believes that basic amenities can be met efficiently only when we incorporate IT and ITES in governance. We can turn solid waste into fuel and monetize it to give thrust to our development process.
    Salient Features of Netxcell’s SWMS:
    • Web-based integrated Solid Waste Management System cum live Vehicle Tracking System, Web-Portal and hosted at State Data Center
    • Android-based Mobile Apps separately for Department and Citizens.
    • Citizens can complain through Android Mobile App by clicking a photo. No need to give any details regarding the complaint location.
    • Automated tracking, escalation and closing of complaints system. Integrated Mobile based vehicle tracking system.
    • Integrated SMS Gateway for providing information complaints login & tracking.
    • Operation & Maintenance.
    Integrated Surveillance Systems

    Netxcell’s surveillance systems comprise of an end-to-end integrated surveillance system that can be deployed at various government offices, warehouses, toll plazas. We adhere to the highest quality standards and provide technical as well as operational support needed.

    Government properties are important to be protected from the trespassers and are required to be secured from malicious activities. We can automate surveillance ranging from the traffic police video surveillance to securing a high-end public sector unit involved in heavy machinery or infrastructure projects.

    Netxcell’s Integrated Surveillance System includes:
    • Video Management Services.
    • Central Management.
    • Analytics.
    • Remote Monitoring System.
    Salient Features:
    • IP Cameras.
    • Digital Video & Network Video Recorders.
    • Deliver Surveillance through IP protocols to reduce the costs.
    • Greater Sophistication.
    • Netxcell’s IT expertise makes it unified, and reliable surveillance systems
    Parcel & Courier Management System(PACS)
    PACS provides flexible features for any logistic and courier based companies
  • The list of features turns this software into complete logistic solution where you can manage your logistics business through online by just logging into the portal.

  • Key Features:
    Revenue Tracking
    Home Delivery
    SMS & Emails Alert
    Payment Gateway
    Online Tracking / Mobile Tracking
    Online Booking / pickup at doorstep
    Barcode / QR technology
    Vehicle Tracking
    Mobile app
    Cloud technology
    Sand Sales Management System
    SSMS facilitate better management and monitoring of the sand auction & sales process of departments.
    • Stock Yard Management.
    • Traffic Management.
    • Wallet Management.
    • Fraud Detection.
    • Vehicle Management.
    • Order Management.
    • Mobile / Tablet APP.
    • User, Role & Access Management .
    • Department API integrations.
    • Electronic POD.
    Other IT / ITES Services
    Other IT / ITES services supported include:
    • Data centre Management Services.
    • Digitization Services.
    • OPRS (Online Passenger Reservation System) .
    • Vehicle Tracking System (VTS).
    • Office Automation Services.
    • Financial Inclusion Services.
    • System Integration Services.
    • IT Infrastructure Maintenance & Support Services.