Netxcell Limited is a pioneer in providing innovative, carrier grade software solutions such as Customer Lifecycle Management, Campaign Management, Provisioning of Data/Voice Services and different flavors of
Inbound/Outbound voice services to Operators & System Integrator's. Tapas, Netxcell's new generation and cloud ready platform has a modular and scalable architecture to design and deploy customized solutions
across multiple channels, quickly and efficiently. Netxcell has its presence across all the major operators in India and has made inroads with few of the top operators in Africa, with various Technological
Implementation of e-Governance projects is one of our core strengths and our solutions span across several verticals in this dynamic and ever evolving space. With an optimum combination of our vast
implementation experience, ready-to-use frameworks and advanced technologies, we are able to offer future-proof solutions to various Government departments across the country.
Welcome to Netxcell, where innovation meets excellence. We are a leading provider of cutting-edge Staffing solutions, committed to delivering superior service and value to our clients.